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Bibles Available for Downloading & Large Print!

by Beth Manuel

Eligible patrons can now download bibles from Audio Bibles for the Blind, a division of Aurora Ministries. Certification is required by completing and submitting this form. If you do not have a computer to download books to, remember our Assistive Technology Lab is here for you along with technical support.

Another option is to purchase an NLS Cartridge from any of our circulation desks, or your own blank USB drive, and mail it to Aurora Ministries as Free Matter for the Blind. Aurora Ministries will then download a bible for you! There are Old & New Testament versions as well as bibles in many languages including Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, German, and Farsi. Are you able to read Large Print? If so, Lutheran Braille Workers, Inc is an option for Braille, Large Print & some religious materials in Spanish.

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